Thursday, August 10, 2006

I'm actually going........

Yeah I guess it just seems a lil weird. A lil surreal that I am actually leaving for Orlando on Sunday. I mean I've been thinking about it since September, hoping for it since December, and then ecstatic about it in February, and asking for support for it since April. But now that the time has actually come to leave, I kinda don't believe it's really happening. I mean I should be really excited. And on some level I suppose I am.......except I'm not. I'm feeling a lil freaked I guess. We have been getting emails telling us about all these really grown up responsibilities we have, like getting car insurance, and florida driver's license and registration and stuff. I don't know how to do this stuff. I've been entirely dependent on my parents to figure everything out for 22 years and now i'm just supposed to start doing it all myself. what?

So yeah I guess I am excited to be going, but all the details that have to be dealt with are really putting a damper on it, so i haven't actually felt excited in awhile. I just want someone to take care of everything for me so I can think about the fun part. You know, the reason I'm doing this- for His glory. To see His name spread to every nation, tribe, people, and tongue. How sweet to be a part of that, yet I haven't really been focusing on that part. I think I am just realizing how incredibly NOT a details person I am.

Anyways, I've heard some really positive reports about people's support lately. I'm so excited that there are so many of us going on STINT! I can't wait to hear reports about people's STINT's on this thing, and they'll start really soon! Anyways, good luck with STINT briefing and U of I Staff Planning stuff and everything! I'm praying for you guys!


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