Tuesday, May 30, 2006

A change of heart?!

So, I've gotta say that so far I've truly enjoyed raising support. But not really the actual support raising process. Because I sure hate calling people up and asking them to meet with me or if they've made a decision. And I surely hate getting shot down. And maybe hate even more the complete inability to ever get ahold of half the people I try to call.

But the thing that has been really cool is seeing my mom's(and my dad's a little) heart change about this whole thing. Because at first, my parents were sooooooo opposed to what I am doing next year and even more opposed to the fact that I had to raise support to do it. And they forbid me to ask any of their family or friends for support. Yeah that was a little discouraging at the time. But I guess if that hadn't happened I wouldn't be able to see the change of heart that has taken place....and only the Lord can get credit for that because I sure haven't done anything that would convince them differently. I mean, they are still not totally on board with what I am doing, but my mom has actually suggested that I send her sister a support letter- WHAT?!?! I know! I was taken aback.....and my dad made a comment about how he had talked to a guy at work who is pretty familiar with the support raising thing and how I should ask this church that the guy goes to for support. "Are you kidding? who are these people and what have you done with my parents?!" was my initial thought. And not only that but my mom tells me that her and my dad are planning on joining my support team, and for a pretty good chunk of change. I mean, these are not the same parents that I talked to in December who told me that I was cut off after I graduated.

So yeah, support raising is cool and I'm so excited to see the Lord continue to work on my parents' hearts as the rest of my support comes in and I begin my internship. Anyways, pray for my family! Good luck to the rest of ya'll with support raising and decisions for the future and stuff!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

I wish this post were cooler.

Well, friends, it seems you need some encouragement.

Allow me to tell you the real-life story of a girl with no Christian past, no church and no contacts.

(Ahem... me.)

I leave in a month for Sudan. My money is due in a week.

Here's my support-o-meter:
Outgoing: $11,849/$9482 (125%)
Monthly: $1340/$1305 (103%)
Overall: 108%

And I still have two big church appointments to go and a few more people who've promised to pledge.

I did not have a home church.
I knew no Christians in the area.
No one in the area knew me as an adult, let alone a Christian.
My parents forbid me ask family members and were rooting against me the whole time.

I started to write about all the wonderful, crazy things God has done to get me to where I am, but they're far too numerous (and the post would be far too long.)

Just know that, yes, support raising can suck. And you will be tired. And stressed. And cry. And you won't be able to imagine how God will bring in the money.

But if he wills it, he will bring it in.

But be faithful and persistent and pray for self-discipline in your phone calls and stuff. Because, really, that's all you can do.

And, since I'm kind of on the other end of the support mountain, let me know if you need anything. I'd love to help you with ideas or prayer or even like communication stuff. (I'm a journalism major; it's a gift God has given me and I enjoy using for his glory.)

Take heart. You're working for eternity. :)

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

rockin the suburbs

hey everyone, this is my first post, i'm a little nervous.

anyway, I just wanted to ask for prayer. raising support in the burbs has proved to be a little less than encouraging. people aren't as excited as i kind of hoped they'd be, and i'm slowly hitting a wall. my list of contacts was never that long, but i'm plowing through it really fast and i'm totally confused as to where any funding is going to come from.

could you guys pray that:
a. my attitude and my actions would be an overflow of the abundant love that Christ has for me.
b. He would miraculously raise up a support team out of what looks like thin air.

thanks guys, i really appreciate it :)

Because He is faithful even when I am faithless,

Saturday, May 20, 2006

My mind is blown

First of all, welcome Baker! And on the settings I see that Maggie has also joined. Maybe there are others...

So, tonight I head over to my friend's dad's house. Honestly, I've known him my entire life and I think the world of him. He's a great man.

Well, I head over to his house tonight support raising. I'm thinking "they don't come from a rich family by any means," and in fact I know that he was in a position where he tried to start a business and it failed. He was catching up financially for a long time. I know that they aren't poor, but they're not the people you'd expect to be huge donors - they're just the type of loving people you want supporting you.

So I get there and present what I'm doing. We have a great presentation, and after about 45 minutes...

1. They are pretty excited about the Jesus Film.
2. They were really encouraging.
3. They pledged me basically 5200 bucks.

Then we played games for an hour, and hung out for a bit more. Then I left, basically in a state of shock and awe. As I sit here I know I don't fully comprehend how awesome this is.

He said that him and his wife would give 50 a month, which I thought they might support me but really didn't have any expectations. I just told him I wanted to know what people I could contact, and he came through and said he would do it. Wow.

Next, he said his community service organization, the Odd Fellows, would give 600.

Next, he said he would put on a fundraiser, monthly, to raise 300 (at least) a month. He said 300 was really the minimum and it could be as much as 1000. At these fundraisers I will send to them info about my mission, how I'm doing, what I've accomplished, pics from the J FILM, etc. It will connect lots of people to what the Lord is doing while simultaneously funding my ministry. He said I could expect 4000 from these fundraisers.

And he's a pro at fundraising; he has probably raised over 500000 in his life, no joke. He's a man of his word and I can count on him for this.

Praise the Lord for his faithfulness and grace! He is truly able to do more than we could ever hope or imagine.
